Internal Business Documents
All Risk Management forms should be completed in full and returned to Alexandra Morris at the SCOE Main Office. Please do not submit directly to NBSIA.
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Overnight Travel Reimbursement for Out of the Area Per Diem Meals
Step 1: Determine the per diem rate by location.
Step 2: Go to the second link and find the corresponding M&I rate under the total column. This will give you the breakdown per meal. IE is the incidental expenses rate, but it only applies to overnight travel.
Step 2: Go to the second link and find the corresponding M&I rate under the total column. This will give you the breakdown per meal. IE is the incidental expenses rate, but it only applies to overnight travel.
By Location (Step 1):
Per Diem Rates Look-Up
Look for M&IE (meals and incidental expenses) rate in the far right column.
Per Diem Rates Look-Up
Look for M&IE (meals and incidental expenses) rate in the far right column.
Daily Meal Breakdown (Step 2):
Meal and Incidental Expenses Breakdown
This table will give you the breakdown per meal.
Meal and Incidental Expenses Breakdown
This table will give you the breakdown per meal.