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Solano County Office of Education

Solano County Office of Education


All Risk Management forms should be completed in full and returned to Alexandra Morris at the SCOE Main Office. Please do not submit directly to NBSIA.

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Overnight Travel Reimbursement for Out of the Area Per Diem Meals
Step 1: Determine the per diem rate by location.
Step 2: Go to the second link and find the corresponding M&I rate under the total column. This will give you the breakdown per meal. IE is the incidental expenses rate, but it only applies to overnight travel.
By Location (Step 1):
Per Diem Rates Look-Up
Look for M&IE (meals and incidental expenses) rate in the far right column.
Daily Meal Breakdown (Step 2):
Meal and Incidental Expenses Breakdown
This table will give you the breakdown per meal.