School Safety & Wellness

Effective and responsive school safety plans are not built solely around lockdown and run-hide-fight drills. Addressing school safety should also include systems of interventions and supports that involve awareness and participation of all school employees, public safety partners, students, parents and guardians. In response to school violence and threats, the Solano County Office of Education has built a robust collection of resources to support Solano schools in enhancing school safety plans with an emphasis on preparedness, prevention, intervention, response and recovery.
CDE SERS Logon Portal
The School Emergency Reporting System (SERS) is utilized by the California Department of Education (CDE) to track school statuses during major events and disasters.
Fentanyl, Opioids & Naloxone (NARCAN) Administration
Fentanyl, Opioids & Naloxone (NARCAN) Administration
Fentanyl, Opioids & Naloxone (NARCAN) Administration
Local Supports for NARCAN Program Implementation
School-wide NARCAN Program Consultation & Implementation Support
Campus Safety Consultations
Jason Johnson
(707) 416-7818
Jason Johnson
(707) 416-7818
Drug Safe Solano provides free trainings raising awareness of the dangers of opioids and other drugs. The focus is currently with opioids due to the current epidemic, and especially with fentanyl and carfentanil impacting youth directly and indirectly. Training on administering Narcan (or naloxone) as a life saving measure is also provided.
Contact: Arthur Camargo, DSS/Drug Safe Solano Coordinator
Touro University California
(707) 590-0123
Touro University California
(707) 590-0123
Tools to Get Started With A NARCAN Program
California Education Code: Education Code §49414.3
Civil Code: Civil Code §1714.22
Sample Documents for NARCAN programs
Siskiyou County Office of Education has resources and information applicable to LEAs looking to establish a Narcan program. There are policy templates, indemnity acknowledgements and more.
California School Board Association (CSBA) Sample Policies
Policy 5141.21: Administering Medication And Monitoring Health Conditions
Regulation 5141.21: Administering Medication And Monitoring Health Conditions
Acquiring Narcan
The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has a program that allows school districts to receive a standing order for Narcan and provides the framework for what is required.
CPDH Resources
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Resources
The CDPH Overdose Prevention Initiative (OPI) works on the complex and changing nature of the drug overdose epidemic through prevention and research activities.
Communication Tools & Samples
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): What Every Parent Should Know About Fake Pills
One Pill Can Kill- Placer County Awareness and Prevention Campaign and Toolkit
Fentanyl is Forever, Ventura County
Vibe Solano, Fentanyl Kills
Zach's Story, Student Zachary Didier's Story
SCOE Spotlight- School Safety & Student Wellness Feature
January 2022 issue of the SCOE Spotlight highlights upcoming professional learning, planning resources, threat assessment courses and more.View the SCOE Spotlight
Emergency Actions, Reporting & Response Systems
The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s programs for crisis response and post-crisis reunification are used in more than 30,000 schools, districts, departments, agencies, organizations and communities around the world. They are created through the research-based best practices of school administrators, psychologists, public space safety experts, families, and first responders.
Sandy Hook Promise’s no-cost Say Something program teaches middle and high school students to recognize the warning signs of someone at-risk of hurting themselves or others and how to say something to a trusted adult to get help. The Say Something program is intended to align with social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum, instruction, and programming. Students build essential SEL competencies, including how to empathize with others and seek help when needed (relationship skills) and how to identify problems and analyze situations, as well as solve problems in an ethically-responsible manner (responsible decision-making).
Medical- CPR, First Aid, AED etc.
Medical Response
Life saving course created by the American College of Surgeons and presented by Kaiser Permanente with the goal to provide the knowledge, skills and ability to recognize and stop life threatening bleeding should it happen to you or someone near you.
Contact: Evan Edminster, Trauma Clinical Education, Injury Prevention, Outreach Coordinator
Kaiser Permanente Vacaville Medical Center
707-624-1572 office
Kaiser Permanente Vacaville Medical Center
707-624-1572 office
Medical Training Services in Solano County offers on-site trainings and certifications for automated external defibrillators (AED) machines, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid. Services provided also include AED machine maintenance and safety equipment consultation and acquisition.
Contact: (707) 446-6220 or via contact form on website.
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.
Solano County Office of Education offers support to Solano schools in building or reinvigorating their PBIS frameworks. Consulting, training, and coaching services are available and can be customized to the unique needs of the school or district.
School Climate and Student Engagement
Breaking Down the Walls
This high school program creates a safe environment for students to build empathy and understanding through our "play, trust, learn" model.
This high school program creates a safe environment for students to build empathy and understanding through our "play, trust, learn" model.
Friday Night Live Student Clubs
Friday Night Live builds partnerships for positive and healthy youth development which engage youth as active leaders and resources in their communities. The Solano Friday Night Live Partnership (SFNLP) is committed to the belief that a youth development framework, which is inclusive, comprehensive, youth-driven, and founded on current research, will improve the lives of young people and the communities in which they live.
Friday Night Live builds partnerships for positive and healthy youth development which engage youth as active leaders and resources in their communities. The Solano Friday Night Live Partnership (SFNLP) is committed to the belief that a youth development framework, which is inclusive, comprehensive, youth-driven, and founded on current research, will improve the lives of young people and the communities in which they live.
Solano Youth Coalition
The Solano Youth Coalition (SYC) builds partnerships for positive and healthy youth development which engage youth as active leaders and resources in their communities. The SYC is a youth led coalition that provides opportunities for youth to build capacity and commitment for life-long involvement in health promotion.
The Solano Youth Coalition (SYC) builds partnerships for positive and healthy youth development which engage youth as active leaders and resources in their communities. The SYC is a youth led coalition that provides opportunities for youth to build capacity and commitment for life-long involvement in health promotion.
Threat Assessment
Recognizing Signs of Targeted Violence is a course designed for the school site professional, administrator, academic counselor, or mental health clinician who works directly with students. This course provides the requisite knowledge to recognize and identify the pathways to violence, known warning behaviors leading up to a targeted act of violence, as well as the impact of mental health. This course will cover the importance of partnership between the police departments and school districts, and how both entities can collaborate with a multi-disciplinary threat assessment team. Attendees review several known commonalities of prior attackers, and how those common factors impact the threat assessment process. Lastly, this course identifies intervention and mitigation strategies to interrupt the pathway to violence and prevent a targeted act of violence using real-world case studies. Slide Deck
Contact: Jason Johnson, Consultant
Campus Safety Consultations
707-416-7818 or
Campus Safety Consultations
707-416-7818 or
National Data & Research Around Threat Assessment
The National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) is a component of the Secret Service and U.S. Homeland Security. The center’s staff is composed of a multidisciplinary team of social science researchers and regional program managers who support law enforcement, schools, government, and other public and private sector organizations to combat the threat of targeted violence impacting communities across the U.S. NTAC has published these documents to address threats of violence:
Education Code sections 32280-32289.5. Pertain to school site safety plans. | CDE's Compliance Tool for Comprehensive School Safety Plans(PDF)- this tool provides a list of required contents to assist schools in creating a compliant plan. | More resources for safe school planning from the California Department of Education. |