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Solano County Office of Education

Solano County Office of Education

Student Services

The Student Programs and Services Department provides a range of services to support students’ positive academic and social-emotional outcomes. Students may be served in SCOE alternative school settings or their districts of residence. The Department also provides county-wide coordination for foster and homeless youth and professional development on ways to work with students effectively and respectfully. SCOE also provides support services for students’ work readiness skills and job placement. 
To accomplish its mission, SCOE works closely with Solano County Probation, Solano County Behavioral Health, and Solano County Child Welfare Services, in addition to other community-based organizations.
Contact Information

Contact Information


Andrea Lemos
Deputy Superintendent, Educational Services and Student Programs; (707) 399-4430
Elena Rodriguez
Executive Assistant II, Educational Services and Student Programs; (707) 399-4430

College & Career Readiness

Kelley Birch
Director, College and Career Readiness; (707) 399-4809
Aline Canido-Consolacion
Secretary/Program Analyst

Educational Options

Valerie Garrett, Ed.D.
Director, Educational Options; (707) 399-4840
Desmer Johnson
School Secretary; (707) 399-4840
Barbara Bartolomucci
Student Information Specialist; (707) 399-4838

Foster & Homeless Youth Services

Akon Walker
Program Coordinator, Educational Liaison; (707) 399-4812

Student Programs & Support

Nicola Parr
Senior Director, Student Services and Educational Options; (707) 399-4815

Camden Webb
Director of Clinical Services; (707) 399-4807

Tatiana White
Project Support Analyst; (707) 399-4815

Youth Development

Johanna Nowak-Palmer
Program Manager, Youth Development; (707) 646-7608
Rebecca Floyd
Project Coordinator; (707) 646-7602
Lori Harris
Secretary/Program Analyst; (707) 646-7601

Workforce Development

Lakesha Lovett
Manager, Workforce Development; (707) 399-4884

Secretary/Program Analyst
 (707) 399-4830



College & Career Readiness

The College and Career Development Department provide coordination and professional development for career pathways offered in Solano County school districts

Schools & Educational Options

SCOE offers educational options for students in grades 7-12. Our students work on a standards-based curriculum and have the opportunity to recover missed credits. The program is designed to support progress toward graduation and offers diplomas for students who complete their requirements.Learn more

Student & Program Support

SCOE serves foster, homeless and at-risk youth; provides small group counseling services for students in grades K-12; Many Solano County schools are exploring or implementing Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS).

Foster & Homeless Youth Services

SCOE provides support and resources to Solano County school districts, to implement McKinney-Vento and foster youth supports. Technical training is available to districts, through homeless liaisons and other staff who are involved in working with homeless children and youth.

Youth Development Services

SCOE's Youth Development programs are designed to keep youth safe and healthy by engaging them as active members of the community.

Workforce Development

SCOE's Workforce Development Programs include: California Career Innovations (CCi), California Promoting the Readiness of Minors on Supplemental Security Income (CaPROMISE), Transition Partnership Program/Workability II (TPP), Workability I (WAI)