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Solano County Office of Education

Solano County Office of Education

Timeline and Deadlines

2024-25 Academic Decathlon
Timeline and Deadlines

Bay Region Team Registration Deadlines October 24, 2024
Transcript Submissions (Upload directly to CAD) October 31, 2024
Team Roster Due TBD
CAD School Registration Due November 1, 2024
Essay (online) January 9, 2025
Objective Testing (online) January 25, 2025
Speech, Interview, Super Quiz, and Awards Ceremony (Solano Community College, Fairfield)
February 1, 2025


  • Consent Form - PENDING
  • Graduation Cords Order Form (Due October 18, 2024)
  • Proctor Affidavit - PENDING
  • Team Registration (CAD Registration due November 1, 2024) PENDING
  • Team Registration (Regional Registration, due October 24, 2024) PENDING
Online Study Resources

Online Study Resources

These resources are not required, nor do they reflect the questions that will be asked during the Regional Competition. They are provided as an unofficial resource.