Solano Friday Night Live Program (SFNLP)

- Friday Night Live (FNL) for high school-age youth
- Club Live (CL) for middle school-age youth
- Friday Night Live Kids (FNLK) for elementary school-age youth
Standards of Practice
A Safe Environment
Physical safety - to feel safe physically, free from the risk of harm.
Emotional safety - to feel safe emotionally, to feel like they can be who they are.
Opportunities for Community Engagement
Knowledge of Community - to learn about their communities and its resources.
Interaction/Interface with the Community - to interact and work with community members.
Communication with the Community - to communicate about the program and/or youth issues.
Contribution to the Community - to give back and serve the community.
Opportunities for Leadership and Advocacy
Decision-Making and Governance - to participate in decision-making and occupy leadership roles, such as staff or board roles.
Youth Voice - to lean to express their opinions constructively and to hear those of others.
Action - to take action on issues or projects they care about outside of the program - in the community, at school.
Opportunities to Build Caring and Meaningful Relationships with Peers and Adults
Peer Knowledge - to learn about their peers and build relationships with them.
Adult Knowledge/Guidance - to learn about the adult staff and build relationships with them.
Emotional Support - to feel supported emotionally by others in the program.
Practical Support - to feel like their practical needs are met by adult staff.
Sense of Belonging - to feel like the belong, like they matter to the group and its success.
Opportunities to Engage in Interesting and Relevant Skills Building Activities
Specific Skills - to develop and build specific skills through program activities.
Challenging and Interesting Activities - to engage in interesting and challenging activities.
Core Components
Chapters - defined as a group of committed young people and a minimum of one adult ally working together. The chapters provide the other 3 Core Components (Opportunities, Outreach and Skill Development) to the members through partnerships.
Opportunities - any safe environment or avenue in which youth and adults complete a project, sharing in power and ownership (in partnership).
Outreach - engages youth, adults, and systems in building partnerships, creating positive and healthy youth development.
Skill Development - through purposeful activities and opportunities promoting or resulting in building skills, mastering resiliency, and core competencies.

FNL Member Quote
Student provided this quote as part of the annual Youth Development Survey. Results are used to evaluate the Solano FNL program.