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Solano County Office of Education

Solano County Office of Education

District & School Support

Our goal is to build the capacity to improve the success of all students by partnering with districts and schools as they endeavor to implement organizational practices that:
  • Increase achievement and reduce barriers for all students
  • Select/adopt appropriate instructional materials
  • Improve administrator expertise in content knowledge and pedagogy




Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities available on SCOE's Collaborative Learning Space!

What is District & School Support?

SCOE support is customizable to meet the needs of individual districts and schools.
By sharing information and resources about emerging issues and initiatives, collaborating with partner organizations, and institutes of higher learning the goal is to build leadership to support effective systemic change, and foster collaborative partnerships.
Members of SCOE's district and school support team are available for quantitative and qualitative data analysis, design and facilitation of site-specific professional learning, content specific professional learning opportunities, and instructional coaching. 
Additionally, our team aims to provide technical assistance and organizational tools for streamlining multiple state and federal planning requirements into a single data-driven, comprehensive school plan.
Fully integrated reform efforts may include:
  • Developing and implementing a district Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) and school site Single Plan For Student Achievement (SPSA)
  • Developing and implementing effective intervention programs
  • Developing and implementing effective programs for Multi-lingual students
  • Categorical Program Implementation and Evaluation via the Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM) process

Site Support with a focus on Equity

In designing and customizing professional learning opportunities, the District and School Support team works collaboratively to elicit feedback from educational partners to ensure that site support is relevant and authentic. By focusing on both qualitative and quantitative data we gain a clearer picture of the strengths and opportunities for growth.