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Solano County Office of Education

Solano County Office of Education

SCOE district and school support networks are opportunities for educational community members to make connections, explore multiple perspectives and viewpoints, and develop shared meaning. Networks are designed to connect educational community members around specific facets of education.
Collaborative Voices
Networks are designed to include emergent thinking of all participant voices, values, and perspectives. While a SCOE representative is always present to facilitate, leadership may be shared by participants and invited experts.
Networks and Equity
In order to represent and address the evolving interests of our diverse community, networks allow multiple perspectives to emerge in an authentic setting. Including participants from all districts and LEAs ensures diversity of thought and equitable representation. 

Charter Support Network

This network brings together Solano County charter schools to update their leaders about state and federal regulations and timelines. It is also a space to share information, concerns, and best practices unique to charter schools.
Contact: Hana Suleiman,

Curriculum Breakfast

The Curriculum Breakfast offers opportunities for district representatives to engage in discussions around multiple perspectives, professional learning, current research, and innovative practices in curriculum and instruction. 
Contact: Hana Suleiman,

English Learner Consortium

The English Learner (EL) Programs Consortium facilitates collaboration through quarterly networking meetings at the Solano County Office of Education. They also provide technical assistance and English learner program and program improvement support
Collaboration and Networking
EL provides a structure of mutual support that encourages innovation related to the effective implementation of English learner programs. They also offer assistance for ensuring academic excellence and program improvement resources for English learner programs such as:
  • California Department of Education (CDE)
  • Region IV System of District and School Support (RSDSS)
  • Migrant Child Education Program
  • Solano County Office of Education (SCOE)
  • Institutes of Higher Learning
Technical Assistance and Support
EL gives guidance and technical assistance related to:
  • No Child Left Behind, Title III Federal Accountability
  • Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives for English learners
  • Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM) process for English learner programs
  • Building parental involvement
  • Research-based effective strategies for English learner program implementation
  • Improving teacher expertise
  • Reducing barriers to student achievement
English Learner Student Programs
The Solano County Office of Education’s District and School Support program provides technical assistance and support to districts to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate effective instructional programs and services for English learner students.
The primary goal of these services is to improve the language proficiency of English learners and help them meet content standards adopted by the State Board of Education.
As LEAs work to provide English Learners with full and meaningful access to 21st century education, the English Learner Consortium provides updates and facilitates discussion and collaboration centered around best practice. 
Contact: Amy Robinson- Program Manager, English Language Development Curriculum and Instruction

Equity Alliance

Members of the Equity Alliance are committed to open and honest dialogue about critical and current issues centered around equity in education. Members have the opportunities to be collaborative carriers of the message in both personal and professional settings.
Contact: Dr. Tacey Rodgers,

Expanded Learning Program (ExLP)

The Expanded Learning Program Network offers program support to school district ExLP coordinators, outside providers, educational community members and other organizations on ASES and ASSETs requirements. It also provides a venue for collaboration and sharing of innovative resources and skills to effectively meet the California Quality Standards in Expanded Learning.
  • Collaboration and networking with district and region partners
  • Technical assistance and program support
  • Ideas to optimize partnerships between providers and educational community members
  • After School Program Network quarterly meetings at the Solano County Office of Education
  • Site visits with direct communication via meetings, phone calls, and email
  • Statewide evaluation instructions for after school programs
  • Information about best practices and exemplary programs
  • Professional development opportunities and communications from the Region 4 After School Program
We provide a structure of mutual support opportunities that encourages innovation related to the effective implementation of K-12 after school programs.

We offer resources for ensuring program quality for Proposition 49 After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program and 21st Century Learning Centers.
We provide collaboration and networking opportunities with the California Department of Education, Region 4 Afterschool Program assistance, the Solano County Office of Education, school districts, and city partnerships.
Current links to information on funding opportunities, legislation, and local training offered throughout Region 4.
Regional information and communication regarding technical assistance and professional development.
Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM) support for school districts.
Strategies for identifying promising practices in after school programs.
Strategies for sustainability including building and strengthening collaboratives, partnerships with critical education community members, identifying funding sources, and program marketing.
Site visits and self-assessments according to Region 4 After School Program and California Department of Education regulations.
  • Dixon Unified School District
    (707) 693-6300
  • City of Dixon, Community Services Dept.
    (707) 678-7000
  • Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District
    (707) 399-5000
  • City of Fairfield, Community Resources Dept.
    (707) 428-7465
  • Suisun City, Community Services Dept.
    (707) 421-7200
  • Vacaville Unified School District
    (707) 453-6117
  • City of Vacaville, Community Services Dept.
    (707) 449-5658
  • Vallejo City Unified School District
    (707) 556-8921
  • Greater Vallejo Recreation District
    (707) 648-4600
* After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program and 21st Century Learning Centers
Contact: Ward Stewart
District and School Support Liaison

Math Enthusiast Collaborative

This is an innovative team of coaches and educators intent on exploring meaningful and relevant ways to engage all students in deep thinking while building positive mathematical mindsets in educators and students.
Contact: Alexandra Thomas, 

Regional Assessment Network - Region 4

School Counselor Network

The purpose of this consortia is to create a collaborative space for School Counselors across Solano County. Each session is aimed at building a community supporting the exchange of best practices. 
See the professional learning calendar for our meeting dates.
Contact: Ward Stewart, District and School Support Liaison
(707) 399-4433

SCOE Regional Instructional Coaches Network

The SCOE Regional Instructional Coaches Network provides structured time and support for reflective discussions using tools to transform thinking into equitable, relationship-centered practice. Instructional coaches and collaborative educators are encouraged to join.  
Contact: Amy Robinson,  & Erica Burnison,

Site Administrators Network

The purpose of the Solano County Site Administrators Network (SAN) is to provide a space for collaboration and best practices sharing. SAN's goal is to ultimately establish a community of practice for School Site Administrators in Solano County.
Contact: Dr. Tacey Rodgers,

Social-Emotional Learning Community of Practice (SEL CoP)

Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) launched its Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Community of Practice (CoP) in March 2021. The SEL CoP includes educators from sites throughout Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield-Suisun, Travis, Vacaville, and Vallejo-City Unified School Districts. Meeting throughout Spring and Summer 2021 the CoP focused on self-care, mental, and emotional supports for the whole Educator. Kicking off with a SEL Open House in October 2021, the CoP continues in the 2021-2022 school year, prioritizing direct support to schools and Educators across Solano County.  You can find resources here

STEAM Community of Practice for Expanded Learning

The Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) Community of Practice (CoP) for Expanded Learning Program (ExLP) coordinators and staff aim to deepen participants’ knowledge, skills and confidence to facilitate meaningful STEAM activities in their own program. It also encourages collaboration among ExLP participants to develop a cohesive Expanded Learning Program which includes California Quality Standards for Expanded Learning, Growth Mindset, Socio-Emotional Learning, Universal Design for Learning and Social Justice.
Contact: Ward Stewart, District and School Support Liaison
(707) 399-4433

STEAM Network

The Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) Network  welcomes  educators, community stakeholders, and industry professionals to collaborate and share innovative resources and techniques around the convergence points in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.

Contact: Dr. Lilibeth Pinpin,